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Medina School Policy 7515

While a nuisance, head lice do NOT pose a public health risk. Consistent with accepted medical knowledge, no healthy child will be excluded from school due to the presence of nits (louse eggs). Children identified by the school nurse as having an active (live lice) case will be sent home at the end of the day and their parents will be informed of their condition and advised that treatment must be given. The student will be examined upon their return to school and must be lice free. Students with nits and no evidence of live head lice will not be excluded from school. Exclusion from school will only be upon the presence of "live lice". "Active Head Lice" policies are endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association and the National Association of School Nurses.


In the event regulations or procedures are developed implementing further policy, the Superintendent will work with the District's medical director or one or more of the school nurses to ensure those regulations or procedures are consistent with accepted medical knowledge and best nursing practice.


Lice Protocol and Procedure

  • Any student found to have a case of head lice or nits will be sent to the health office to be re-checked by the school nurse to confirm the presence of head lice.
  • The nurse will inform the parent/adult about the school’s policy for return to school.
  • Once a student is identified with having lice, other siblings in the district will be screened.
  • Students, who have been sent home with lice, must return to school through the health office. They must report to the health office accompanied by an adult, to be examined by the nurse.