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Message from the Director

A Message from the Director of Special Programs

Welcome Back Students and Families!

If you have a child that receives school-aged or pre-school special education services, you can plan on receiving an invitation to attend their annual review meeting sometime between November and June.  Medina Central School District requests your participation in all Committee on Special Education meetings, as you are one of our most valuable partners in your child's education.  This school year, we will be offering parents 4 options to participate: in-person, via video conference, via telephone conference or opting out of attendance with notification of meeting outcomes via US postal mail/email following the meeting. Please return the response sheet enclosed with your meeting invitation to allow us to prepare for your selected mode of attendance. Any sheets that are not returned will be presumed to be attending in-person.


The department's long-term focus remains on the foundational principals of Special Education, including Specially Designed Instruction, evidence-based instruction and accommodations, and high quality inclusive programming. The NYS "Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities" also serves as an anchor for our everyday practices. 


I look forward to working with all stakeholders to create the best experience possible for the children and families of Medina, and strive to garner the greatest outcomes from every individual student.  Please feel free to reach out to my office, or me personally, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's educational needs.  And please check back periodically for updates!


Thank you for taking the time to visit the Office of Special Programs Webpage!


Most Sincerely,


Alexandra DiLaura


Child Find: The Medina Central School District as directed by Education Law Section 200.2 must locate, identify and evaluate all non-public private elementary and secondary students with disabilities, including religious-school children. If your child attends a non-public private school and you suspect he/she is a child with a disability, please contact the Director of Special Programs at 585-798-2700, prompt 5.