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College and Career Day Conference

Our vision is to see the strengthening of relationships between home, school and the community carried out through ordinary individuals who do extraordinary things.

Outreach is a place where you can see the world changing through the influences of everyday people who see that others have a purpose.



Outreach is dedicated to assisting individuals and families become stablized in the community. We assist with Mckinney Vento students entering into the district who struggle finding permanent housing.



Webb Family

Outreach is committed to connecting families to school by encouraging the value of education. Outreach will assist with providing families with community partners who will aid in providing assistance and skills that will enable individuals to maintain healthy lives and relationships at home, school and community.

Outreach is dedicated to providing resource information that can be an avenue for improving the quality of life.



Outreach components

  • Afterschool tutorial support for students
  • Aftershool safe haven for students- Partnership with West Side Academy of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Mentoring Program - Partnership with the Life Program
  • McKinney Vento support - Liaison Daniel Doctor Medina Central School District Administrator
  • Tracking Student Progress
  • Connecting communty partners and programs to school