District News
In the photo from left to right are MTA President Joe Byrne, Aurora Owczarczak, Leah Hungerford, Jaxson Cochrane, Ryin Moriarty Supply Chain Coordinator for Baxter Healthcare, and MCSD Superintendent Mark Kruzynski.
The Medina Teachers Association, the Medina School District, and the Medina Area Partnership are proud to announce the January selections for Students of the Month. This award is a combined effort of these organizations to recognize students who go above and beyond to help teachers and fellow students succeed and enjoy school.
Baxter Healthcare has graciously sponsored the award for January. This month students are being honored with this article and a yard sign from the MTA to celebrate their achievement. The yard sign was presented by Joseph Byrne, President of the Medina Teachers’ Association. Dr. Kruzynski also presented the winners with a pen and pencil set from the school district. In addition, Baxter Healthcare presented each of this month’s winners with an Author's Note gift card and a Della’s Chocolate basket.
Nominated by Mrs. Tran and Ms. Flugel of Oak Orchard was first grader, Leah Hungerford. Mrs. Tran and Ms. Flugel shared the following about Leah. She is an exemplary student in all aspects of our day. She works hard on all tasks, and she is the first one to jump up and help someone without being asked. Leah is an extremely kind and considerate friend to everyone. She recently shared that during Art Club, another student had dropped their necklace and was crying. Without hesitation, Leah comforted the student and told her that she would help her fix it. Leah shared she felt so bad because she knew the other student had worked so hard on the necklace. The girls got everything cleaned up and Leah said how good it made her feel to see that her new friend had stopped crying! Leah shows phenomenal character and integrity as a 1st grader. She knows and wants to do the right thing at all times, not just if a teacher is watching or if there is a reward to earn. She shows the pillars of the Medina Central School District each and every day.
From Wise Intermediate School, Mrs. Webster nominated one of her sixth-grade students, Jaxson Cochrane. When Mrs. Webster indicated her reasons for nominating Jaxson, she shared that Jaxson embodies our Wise Creed to a T! Since the beginning of the year, he has set goals in ELA (and all of his classes) and does not stop until he reaches them. He is starting to see the fruits of his labor as his fluency rate has increased by 10 words per minute and he is successfully sounding out 4 syllable words. He works hard to achieve his goals. He is an excellent role model for others. When there was a disagreement in class, he helped to logically settle the dispute and talk through it with the 2 parties with great maturity. I just sat back and watched how he was so kind and respectful of both students' feelings and really listened to what they were saying. Both kids thanked him for helping them in the end. He respects himself and others. However, his kindness is his best quality. He saw that students were consistently taking pencils and losing them. After a conversation with the class about being respectful and returning borrowed materials, he noticed that there were still students who were "borrowing" and never returning pencils. The next morning, he quietly came and filled my pencil bin. He is always honest and kind. Jaxson Cochrane fully embodies what it means to be a Wise student.
From the Junior-Senior High School, Aurora Owczarczak, a junior, was nominated by Sara Kyle. Mrs. Kyle reports that Aurora is a very driven young lady who is working exceptionally hard towards the goal of her future career. I have observed her reflecting upon course selections to ensure she is doing exactly the right thing now to give her the best edge moving forward. Aurora is currently a junior taking Statistics (a class usually taken by seniors). She comes to class daily, with the most brilliant smile and a spirit ready to learn. She is always offering support to her peers around her, answering their questions in a very kind manner. She is also very willing to ask questions when she is unsure of a process or a concept - which is often to the benefit of not only herself but of all her peers around her. Aurora presents an air of humble confidence which is very unusual of people her age. She is an amazing communicator - both verbally and via written communication. She recently wrote a speech to run for an office in her Allied Health Program. She reflected, revised and improved the speech. She bravely practiced the speech in our class and in the end was successful in her bid for office. This shows an example of seeing opportunity, seizing it and striving to do her absolute best. This is a role that then continues to give her solid and irreplaceable life experience. I believe in Aurora, am so proud of her, and look forward to seeing what her future holds for her.
Congratulations to this month’s winners! The MTA, MCSD, and the MAP will continue the Student of the Month program throughout the school year. Be on the lookout for the next honorees in the coming months. Look for posters in the windows of Medina businesses identifying them as proud supporters of this program. Who will be the next outstanding Medina student to be honored???
In photo from left to right are MTA President Joe Byrne, Jacob Farley, Fiona Oakes, Fifth Grade Teacher Jason Klein, Cadence Marciano, MCSD Superintendent Dr. Mark Kruzynski, and Blissetts Sara Flansburg.
The Medina Teachers Association, the Medina School District, and the Medina Area Partnership are proud to announce the December selections for Students of the Month. This award is a combined effort of these organizations to recognize students who go above and beyond to help teachers and fellow students succeed and enjoy school.
Blissetts has graciously sponsored the award for December. This month, students are being honored with this article and a yard sign from the MTA to celebrate their achievement. The yard sign was presented by Joseph Byrne, President of the Medina Teachers’ Association. Dr. Kruzynski also presented the winners with a pen and pencil set from the school district. In addition, Blissetts presented each of this month’s winners with a gift and a Mark's gift card!
Nominated by Andrea Busch of Oak Orchard was kindergartener Cadence Marciano. Mrs. Busch shared the following about Cadence. Cadence is a smart, kind and talented young musician who always demonstrates her best effort. She comes to music class with a smile and positive attitude each week, which are infectious to those around her. Being a music teacher, I am lucky to teach over 400 students each year. Out of those 400 students, no one stands out more than Cadence. She sings with her whole heart, dances with confidence, and uses instruments with the careful enthusiasm that only a 5 year old can seem to do. Her love for music is inspiring and helps to remind me why I became a music teacher in the first place. Although I can go on and on about what a wonderful musician Cadence is, I would be selling her short if I didn't mention what a kind friend and eager classroom helper she is. She is the first person to help a friend in need and is always willing to pitch in to do classroom tasks. These qualities and actions are not limited to the music room- I am confident that my colleagues would agree that Cadence stands out to them in all areas of our school, too. It is an honor and a privilege to teach Cadence.
From Wise Intermediate School, Jason Klein nominated one of his fifth grade students, Fiona Oakes. When Mr. Klein indicated his reasons for nominating Fiona, he shared that Fiona exemplifies the qualities of a model student in every way. She consistently displays kindness and compassion, always looking out for her peers both when adults are present and when they are not. Her natural empathy and willingness to support those around her make her a standout in our class. Academically, Fiona's work ethic is second to none. She goes above and beyond on every assignment, demonstrating a genuine commitment to excellence. She approaches her studies with determination and consistently performs exceptionally well on tests. Her dedication to learning is inspiring to her classmates. Fiona is also incredibly respectful, treating both her peers and adults with kindness and courtesy. She is responsible with her school supplies and assignments, always well-prepared and organized. Whether in class discussions, group projects, or individual tasks, she continually strives for her best work. In all aspects of her behavior—be it her respectfulness, responsibility, or academic diligence—Fiona exemplifies what it means to be a star student. She sets a high standard for herself and others, and it is a privilege to have her in the classroom.
From the Jr-Sr High School, Jacob Farley, an eighth grader, was nominated by Mr. Byrne and Mr. Scheiber. Mr. Byrne and Mr. Scheiber reports that in social studies class, Jacob consistently demonstrates qualities that exemplify dedication, respect, and a strong work ethic, making him a role model for his peers. Jacob is an exceptionally hardworking student who puts forth his best effort in all of his assignments. Recently, he showed remarkable commitment by staying after school several times to work on the West Game board assignment. Despite having his own responsibilities, he partnered with a classmate who struggles academically and provided guidance, support, and encouragement. This collaboration highlights Jacob’s kindness, patience, and leadership skills, as he not only worked hard to ensure the project’s success, but also took the time to help his partner feel confident and capable. Jacob’s work ethic is equally reflected in his academic performance. He strives for excellence in all areas and takes initiative to go above and beyond expectations. Furthermore, his respectful and polite demeanor enhances the classroom environment, as he interacts positively with both peers and teachers. Jacob embodies the values we aim to instill in our students: diligence, respect, and compassion.
Congratulations to this month’s winners! The MTA, MCSD, and the MAP will continue the Student of the Month program throughout the school year. Be on the lookout for the next honorees in the coming months. Look for posters in the windows of Medina businesses identifying them as proud supporters of this program. Who will be the next outstanding Medina student to be honored???
Thanks to the efforts of 35 Medina students, some community members will have food on their table. The Medina Junior-Senior High School’s Student Association recently collected over 1,600 non-perishable food items for St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Food Pantry. The church is located at 1355 West Avenue in Medina and provides emergency food once per month to residents of Medina in need.
Student Association co-advisor Sara Cinquino says she was thrilled what the students and staff were able to achieve this year. “We doubled what we collected last year and we have to thank the Medina Teacher’s Union for swapping drives with us. They are collecting essential items, which we normally do, to make it more affordable for the students to participate in this event. I have to also thank fellow teacher Joe Byrne who helped me to oversee the food drive while my co-advisor is out on maternity leave.”
The Student Association collected, counted and sorted the food every day the week of November 18th-22nd. Lieutenant Steve Cooley and other members of the Medina Fire Department volunteered on their day off to come to the school and collected the boxes from the students who carried them out to their vehicles. “Every year, we as a club are so thankful that we can do something at the Junior-Senior High School and give back to the community,” says Cinquino. “It takes just a small effort on our end, but we can make a difference and impact for so many people in this community.”
In the photo from left to right are MTA President Joe Byrne, Paris Gordon, Roger Ribbeck, Danette Oakes of Filomena's Favorites, Barrett Root, and MCSD Superintendent Dr. Mark Kruzynski.
The Medina Teachers Association, the Medina School District, and the Medina Area Partnership are proud to announce the November selections for Students of the Month. This award is a combined effort of these organizations to recognize students who go above and beyond to help teachers and fellow students succeed and enjoy school.
Filomena’s Favorites has graciously sponsored the award for November. This month students are being honored with this article and a yard sign from the MTA to celebrate their achievement. The yard sign was presented by Joseph Byrne, President of the Medina Teachers’ Association. Dr. Kruzynski also presented the winners with a pen and pencil set from the school district. In addition, Filomena’s Favorites presented each of this month’s winners with a gift bag with Della's Chocolates, a Mark's gift card, and additional goodies!
Nominated by Shannon Markarian of Oak Orchard was first grader Barrett Root. Mrs. Markarian shared the following about Barrett. He is a kind, helpful, hardworking, and friendly student. He is always there to lend a hand when someone is in need. He was very excited to welcome a new student and help him learn classroom routines, find his way around the building, play with him at recess, and show him how to go through the cafeteria line. He is a quiet learner who always does his best.
From Wise Intermediate School, Karen Pane nominated one of her fourth-grade students, Paris Gordon. When Mrs. Pane indicated her reasons for nominating Paris, she shared that Paris acted quickly and helped save a classmate's life. As I was taking my class out for recess, a student started to choke. I was not aware of it. Paris thought quickly and yelled, "Mrs. Pane, this student can't breathe! Mrs. Pane come quick; this student can't breathe!" Because Paris alerted me, I was able to address the choking student, and he ended up coughing a hard candy out of his throat. One of the reasons her action was remarkable is because she said it reminded her of a time at her house when her mother told her to call 911, but she was too frightened to do it. After the paramedics arrived at her house, they taught her to be brave and take action. Paris learned from that experience and applied it to her classmate. I am so proud of Paris!
From the Jr-Sr High School, Roger Ribbeck, a senior, was nominated by Sara Kyle. Mrs. Kyle reports that Roger is currently taking AP Calculus and doing an amazing job. Roger completes daily assignments in a timely manner, often going above and beyond trying additional problems. Because of his preparedness for class, he often supports his classmates in their learning. He is kind, compassionate, and supportive of his peers - they feel comfortable leaning over to check with him if I am busy. He often can be found in math conversations with his neighbors, discussing mathematical processes, concepts, and tricks. He is confident yet humble and reflective. If his practice contains an error, he strives to determine why and to remedy it (which also involves those great mathematical conversations). Roger already has a plan for college - while he doesn't have all the pieces in place yet, he is researching and completing things to give himself an edge when leaving high school. I am very thankful to have Roger as a student and am very proud of him.
Congratulations to this month’s winners! The MTA, MCSD, and the MAP will continue the Student of the Month program throughout the school year. Be on the lookout for the next honorees in the coming months. Look for posters in the windows of Medina businesses identifying them as proud supporters of this program. Who will be the next outstanding Medina student to be honored???
For many years Medina Junior-Senior High School English teacher Elizabeth Dickhut has toyed with the idea of writing her own novel, Still Water. “Several years ago I was thinking about some students I had who had experienced losing a parent suddenly,” she explains. “They were obviously going through a very hard time and I couldn’t help but think what was going on in the inside. It inspired me to start writing about a group of boys who were friends and experienced that loss.”
Mrs. Dickhut kept returning to her story throughout the years refining it until she felt comfortable enough to share with colleagues. “I am so grateful to my coworkers and friends who took time out of their busy lives to read this and give me their honest feedback. It really meant so much to me.” Dickhut says Still Water is a story of loss and grief; but is also a story of hope, the kind that is rooted in friendship, family and forgiveness.
Another key element of the book deals with the romantic side of adolescence and the protagonist having feelings for one of his friend’s girlfriends. “I do think young adults will really enjoy the story,” says Dickhut. “I hope they see themselves in some of the characters. I really want this book to be a teachable moment for some of them and I want them to know that their teachers do care about what is going on in their lives.”
There were a couple more hoops to jump through before she could publish her book. In Still Water two poems are referenced, “The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry and Robert Frost’s “Going for Water.” There is also a passage from the book A River Runs Through It and other stories by Norman Maclean. “I had to get permission to use Maclean's and Berry's works, and I was so thankful to the estate and the publishing company to allow me to use them since they meant a great deal to me and to the story. The Maclean estate sent along a nice compliment and said they found the story compelling and wished me the best of luck.” She also designed the cover in Canva, something she really enjoyed doing.
With her book getting ready to launch on Amazon on November 8th, Dickhut says she can barely contain her excitement. “I won’t lie, I am nervous, but it just feels awesome. I have a real sense of accomplishment that I finished the book and people are going to get to read it. It would be really great if I saw students here carrying it around since they inspired it.”
To learn more about the book and Beth Dickhut, you can follow her on Instagram @elizabeth_d_writes. Still Water will be available in paperback and Kindle formats.
The Medina Central School District is looking forward to an outstanding fall season. The district’s goal is to provide a positive and welcoming experience to our athletes, students, parents, fans, visitors, and officials. Please help us achieve this goal by following our expectations and contributing to a positive environment.
As a reminder, all students in grades PK-8 MUST be accompanied and supervised by a parent or responsible adult when attending a game. This parent or responsible adult must supervise their children at all times. Students in grades PK-8 will not be allowed into Vets Park without a parent or responsible adult.
Also, as a reminder, there should be no use of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, or any controlled or banned substance on the Medina Central School District premises. Additionally, vapes, “dab” pens, and e-cigarettes are not allowed on District premises.
We also want to remind fans to refrain from using profanity and making negative comments toward coaches, athletes, or officials. Game supervisors and administrators will address inappropriate behavior. The Medina Central School District and the New York State High School Athletic Association may prohibit unruly spectators from attending games.
Thank you for helping us maintain a positive, supportive atmosphere for all our student-athletes!
The Kick Start to Learning sessions are for incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten students to the Medina Central School District.
Students will attend with a parent or adult caregiver for one hour, 1:00-2:00pm, at Oak Orchard Primary School on the following dates:
Wed, July 10
Tues, July 16
Thurs, July 18
Thurs, July 25
Mon, July 29
Wed, July 31
You can register to attend one, two, or all of the sessions HERE:
Mr. Jody Sargent, Isabella Gray, Elaina Bitsas, Alexander Balaban, Mrs. Krista Lindke
Today, Medina Junior-Senior High School Business students competed and won top honors at the first-ever 43North Students to Startups Finals! The event was held this morning at Seneca One Tower in Buffalo, NY.
Students Alexander Balaban, Isabella Gray and Elaina Bitsas competed against nine other teams, most from larger districts, and came home with first place and $1,000 for their hard work and effort. Their business idea, called Pets & Found was a subscription style app to help owners find their pets and partner with local veterinarians to develop a kind of animal patient portal to benefit both pet owners and veterinarians.
43North is an accelerator program for seed-stage startups and has given over $5 million dollars annually into growing Buffalo’s startup ecosystem. 43North is excited to collaborate with educators to inspire entrepreneurship and innovation in their classrooms.
“We are so proud of these students,” says Jody Sargent, the school’s Business teacher. “We want to congratulate them for their hard work and effort as well as Business/Computer teacher Mrs. Krista Lindke who worked extensively to prepare these students for their success.”
You may just catch their story tonight on News Channels 4, 2 or 7.
The NYS Grade 3–8 assessments will take place on the following dates in the Medina Central School District. All assessments will be Computer Based (CBT). Please refer to the following parent information from NYSED.
What parents should know about student participation under ESSA
Wise Intermediate School:
ELA - April 16 and 17
Math - April 23 and 24
Grade 5 Science - May 14
Medina Junior High School:
ELA - April 16 and 17
Math - April 23 and 24
Grade 5 Science - May 15