Dignity for All Students Act
Dignity for All Students
New York State Dignity for All Students Act
The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), took effect on July 1st, 2012. The intent of DASA is to provide students with a safe school environment that is free of discrimination and harassment by peers and school personnel. Examples of harassment and discrimination may include, but are not limited to threats, intimidation or abuse based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, national origin, weight, ethnic group, religion or religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender (including gender identity or expression) and sex. Amendments to the regulation that were added effective July 1, 2013, include explicit statements to include the prohibiting of bullying and cyber bullying.
As required by the regulation, there is at least one highly-trained employee designated at each school building as the DASA coordinator. The role of the DASA coordinator is to receive and report incidents; schools are required to collect and report data as outlined by the regulation. In addition, on-going training is provided to all staff to continually raise awarness, to practice preventative measures, and to ensure appropriate responses to acts of harassment and/or discrimination.
2019-2020 DASA Building Coordinators
Mrs Julie Webber, Principal, Oak Orchard Elementary
Mr. Chris Hughes, Principal, Clifford Wise Intermediate Middle School
Mr. Michael Cavanagh, Principal, Medina High School